#Music The Enigmatic Symphony from Enigma37

Strap in for a musical rollercoaster with Alfieri of Enigma37! In this exclusive tête-à-tête, we dive into the rhythmic depths of innovation and future beats. From mixing genres like a DJ with a mission to envisioning a world where AI and creativity dance in harmony, Alfieri spills the beans on the magic behind Enigma37's sound. What’s the enigma? Let's hit play! 🎵🚀🎤

1. **Musical Innovation**: "Alfieri, how would you describe Enigma37's creative process?"

**Alfieri**: My creative process? It's like marinating in a creative soup all day long. I draw, write, jam to my favorite tunes, and dive into uncharted musical waters. I work without overthinking, then refine my creations like a diamond in the rough. Oh, and automatic writing? That's my secret sauce for getting into the flow.

2. **Stellar Collaborations**: "With artists like Willie DeVille and Frank Lucas on board, how did these collabs shape Enigma37's sound evolution?"

**Alfieri**: Each collaborator is like a treasure chest of ideas and inspiration. Their unique composing styles and creative processes add a special zing to our project, which will shine through in our upcoming tracks.

3. **Genre Fusion**: "How did you successfully blend funk, rap, and hip-hop? Who's the maestro in striking the right balance in such a disruptive piece?"

**Alfieri**: Music's all from the same family tree, right? Genres are just marketing labels. Mix and match freely, keeping the holy trinity of melody, rhythm, and harmony in check. I start with a sound in my head and then hunt down the bits and pieces to build it.

4. **Futuristic Inspiration**: "You mentioned 'The Fever' was like a song from the future. What's your take on the entertainment industry's future with AI stepping into the innovative spotlight?"

**Alfieri**: The entertainment industry's in a bit of a pickle – too uniform, too standardized. Less effort, less creativity, same old output. Quality and variety took a hit. But hey, artists shouldn't fear AI. Instead, let's raise the bar, pump in more creativity and personality, and deliver top-notch, visionary work.

5. **Video Trilogy**: "This video is part two of a trio. Any hints on what to expect in the finale, and how it ties into Puerto La Blues' story?"

**Alfieri**: This trilogy is like a prequel to Enigma37's awakening and escape from Puerto la Blues. In the final act, watch Enigma37 tangle with a hyper-reality and a mysterious woman with black eyes – a real game-changer.

6. **Multisensory Music Experience**: "Enigma37 isn't just music – it's a multisensory journey. Plans for bringing this to live shows?"

**Alfieri**: We're cooking up a live show smorgasbord! Think music, art, AI, augmented reality – a full-on sensory extravaganza that amplifies our artistic message.

7. **Pushing Creative Boundaries**: "As an artist constantly challenging norms, what are the biggest hurdles in today's music industry?"

**Alfieri**: The biggest hurdle? The industry's obsession with algorithms and viral content. Music needs to break free from these chains to truly reflect an artist's soul. If we can blend industry demands with originality, then we turn problems into tools.

8. **Narrative Through Music**: "The novel accompanying Enigma37 is integral to the project. How will they intertwine going forward?"

**Alfieri**: The novel's doing its own thing, but the music's hot on its trail. We're on a quest for futuristic sounds, mirroring the main character's inner transformation during his journey of self-discovery.

9. **Looking Ahead**: "Post 'The Fever,' what's next for Enigma37? Any new musical or conceptual territories you're eager to explore?"

**Alfieri**: I'm always on the prowl for fresh territories, concepts, and formats. This is just the start of a whole universe we're diving into, fully committed to the music. Right now, I'm focused on the live show's possibilities and how to bring our futuristic world to the stage.


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